Hi, I’m Jen Shaw! This whole story starts with my hair.

I’m a 30-something mom to two boys from Washington State. For years I struggled with my baby fine, thin, blah, hair. I tried all kinds of things to give it body and help it to grow longer or thicker, but nothing helped.

Then, when I got pregnant with each of my boys, I suddenly had the BEST hair! It was thick, shiny, had body and grew so fast! I loved it!

Of course, as soon as I gave birth, by the time the baby was about three months old, all that wonderful, shiny hair was falling out by the handful. I was so disappointed! I knew it was likely that my hair would revert back, but I had hoped against hope that it would keep some of the new qualities it got while I was pregnant.

Of course I couldn’t just spend the rest of my life pregnant so I set out with new determination to find something to help me get thicker, shinier hair back. I tried everything under the sun that I could get my hands on, and nothing seemed to help. Little did I know, the right product just hadn’t been developed yet.

 Finally, in 2015 I discovered this brand new, amazing, anti-aging haircare line. (Who knew that your hair actually ages as you do, and it will actually get thinner and weaker as you grow older – it doesn’t just turn grey!)

Now my hair is thicker, more manageable and grows faster than it ever has before. I love this product so much that I started selling it myself. Now, not only is my hair amazing, I’m able to pay off our debt while staying home with our boys!

If you’re interested in finding out more, enter your email in the box to the right. And don’t worry! I’ll never share or sell your email to anyone for any purpose.