The science behind hair regrowth

What about the other hair regrowth products on the market?

Most of the hair regrowth products on the market (including the biggest!) have Minoxidil as the active ingredient…it was originally developed as a blood pressure medicine. It’s use in these products is to basically dilate the blood vessels around the hair follicles. More blood flow means more hair regrowth. Minoxidil is a drug and comes with a lot of restrictions (many reproductive)! In fact women in particular have to be very very careful around Minoxidil.

Monat offers naturally based hair regrowth. You don’t have to worry about drug or hormonal interactions because it’s not a drug.

Nioxin has been around for quite some time. It helps to keep the scalp in good condition which allows follicles to function better, but it does not contain the active ingredients that actually help regrow hair as Monat does.

Chart showing hair regrowth


When you use Monat, the active ingredient Capixyl stops the hormones from building up on the hair follicle and inhibiting growth. The hair follicle attaches more securely to your scalp, and that allows it to get the nutrients it needs to regrow. If you stop using Monat, the follicle has become healthy enough to withstand the hormone build up,

and your hair doesn’t automatically start falling out again. Often, when you stop taking Nioxin, your hair will start falling out again right away.

Below are some links with more information on chemicals in your hair products.

If you want to learn more about our active ingredient, Capixyl, you can go here

